Thursday, July 26, 2012

One Tough Week

So as some of you know this has been one of the roughest weeks we have had and last night was the tipping point for me.

I have had probably some of the worst luck in jobs in the history of post college grad job searchers. After graduating I assumed it would take a few months to find a full time entry level PR position- not even close. One job I went for an interview at a marketing firm and ended up being driven up to Ogden going in and out of different businesses selling office supplies (that is not marketing!) with a smoker and I am pretty sure the whole office was on drugs since none of them could stand still. I was “misled” into two call center jobs and finally ended up settling for an office assistant position at a mental health office thinking it was good money and we needed it. After I got back from my wedding, we had a new doctor who was awful to say the least. Then come to find out, he is on probation for “boundary issues” (aka he attempted to assault a women who worked in the same office space as him and was reported) and that another doctor had had his license suspended in the past for “boundary issues” as well. I was also not paid what the amount I was told I would be paid in the interview among hundreds of other issues including a creepy owner that no one liked (except for the two doctors with the backgrounds since he was the only one dumb enough to hire them). Needless to say I needed out and last Friday was finally offered a different job where I was told I would be a secretary but able to work on some projects doing social media and writing. Thrilled to use my degree and knowing I needed to leave my current job I accepted the new one and quit.

So you would think everything would be better right? Wrong! I show up ready to start and end up sitting staring at my desk while the phone rings maybe once an hour and has issues every time I try to transfer it. Then I ended up stuffing bags, counting out 300 pens and other shipments, and- this is the best- sorting through a huge box of recipts from all the purchases the owner has made this year (which is a lot, he goes out to eat almost every day).  So I spend the day in a dark basement office with apparently mold growing under my desk.

Now top this with getting an overdue phone call from another doctor that can’t figure out what is causing you severe pain and you are just frustrated.

Then on my way home from a wonderful work day of sorting receipts, a car smashes into the back of my car scratching up my bumper and ripping off the muffler and the exhaust pipe.  The person who hit me totaled the front of his car and we had to stand in the middle of the street with all the cars driving by talking with police and waiting for a tow truck since both of our vehicles were un-drivable.  When we were finally able to get home, I walked in, got in the shower and cried.

So yesterday was a rough day to say the least. But it ended with Todd heating me up a brownie with ice cream and my family face timing with me to cheer me up. Despite all the trials I am going through, I am so thankful to have such a wonderful husband who takes care of me and loves me and does whatever it takes to make me happy. He even insisted that I stay home from work today (since insurance still hasn’t contacted me about a rental car so I am carless) and figure out everything with my car and insurance. I emailed in and didn’t hear back so hopefully I still have a job?

Everyone goes through hard times, I know people go through much worse things and that this will be for my good. I know Todd and I will look back and tell our children about when we were first married and laugh about it. I am thankful for everything I do have, but especially my family, new and biological, and especially my wonderful husband, I would be lost without him. 

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