Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Hardy Family Reunion 2012 at Bear Lake

We had so much fun at Bear Lake at the Hardy Family Reunion this past week! We all stayed in a house with 13 grown-ups and 18 kids makes for pure craziness! But it was so fun! Ally planned tons of fun activities including spending the day on Bear Lake boating, family Olympics and a tour of a cave to name a few. Plus I was finally able to try one of La Beau’s famous banana shakes, verdict… amazing, especially with some Receses!  Also, we welcomed a new baby into the family- Charley! Michelle's new baby girl is beautiful and she is finally here. Congrats Jack and Michelle on your new baby girl and Logan on becoming a big brother. This was my first infamous Hardy Family Reunion, but I thought it was pretty awesome and I am very nervous to have to plan one in 4 years when it is our turn!

On Thursday Todd’s dad and Debbie took us to Lagoon, another first time experience for me. I forgot how much I love roller coasters! But I had to cut the day short due to a bad sore throat and cold that knocked me down for a few days.

So much fun spending all week having fun and relaxing with family. I can’t wait for my sister to move out here on Thursday and to see my family! I know my whole family is very sad to be losing Sheridan to college, but Todd and I are thrilled that she will be just down the street from us. 

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