Monday, December 10, 2012

Holidays, Coco, Moving.. Life

Needless to say I'm not the best at blogging, but part of the reason is my computer is dead (RIP) so I am on an iPad. My other excuse is life is just so busy lately..

So first off, Todd and I are new parents! Before you get too excited, no I did not have a baby and no I am not pregnant. Everyone was surprised by our purchase of a cat, and we were the most surprised. We wanted a pet since we are moving into a new pet friendly apartment this month. We wanted a puppy but we felt bad having one without a yard and since we are both gone all day for work and school, we would not have had time to train it or let it out. So we decided to get a kitten. Sporadically last Friday night after our ward Christmas party, Todd surprised me by taking me to Pets Mart just to look. There were only 3 cats but I wanted to hold one so I picked the fluffy white one with spots. When she pulled her out she instantly crawled into my lap then went over to Todd. After an hour of holding her we went home and decided she was perfect for our family. So the next morning we showed up right as it opened to adopt her. That day she would have been sent back to the kennel so we saved her right in time.

I know some people were surprised by our choice, some even left rude comments to show it, but she really is the sweetest cat. She doesn't scratch, bite or make messes. Aside from occasionally wanting to play at 3 in the morning, she's perfect and we love our cat Coco.

Now we are just trying to get ready for the holidays and pack up our apartment for moving day in two weeks. Not to mention we have finals, increased hours at work,  a relief society lesson to prepare and other obligations from now until then. Despite the craziness, we love our lives and look forward to spending a relaxing week with the family in Colorado for Christmas (we are anxious to see how Coco handles the 8 hour car ride).

We have been married for 6 months this past weekend and I am so thankful for our wonderful marriage. We have had so much fun together and have over come some trying challenges. Despite the stress of life, this has been the best time of our lives and everyday is an adventure. 

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