Monday, October 8, 2012

Conference Weekend with the Fam

This weekend was so fun spending time with family and enjoying General Conference. As usual it was fun playing games, eating and laying around in our PJ's watching the sessions, but this conference was different for a few reasons. First, it was the first conference that we were all together in years. Second, it was the first time our whole family went to a session at the conference center (my second time ever). And third, a certain announcement was made that greatly impacted our family and specifically one member.

The change in the missionary age was among one of the many things that made this conference session great. Here are some of my favorite quotes (some of them I forgot to write down the speaker's name):

"We can't insist on our own time table, when the Lord has his own."
"Come unto Christ by seeking to learn essential truths."
"When we repent, we won't suffer needlessly."
"The crowning characteristic of love is loyalty." (Elder Holland)
"Never post pone promptings." (President Monson)
"Life is not a race, it is a journey. Find joy in the journey." (President Uctdorf)
"God wants us to seek his help and be aware of his blessings." (President Monson)

I am slow trying to write things down and my notes are all over the page and unorganized, but these were some of my favorites. I am so thankful for the wonderful weekend with my family. Here are just a few pics from the weekend (they are from my phone, better pictures are on my mom's camera now in Colorado):

Todd and I cheering at the USU vs. BYU game. I still love him, even though he cheered for BYU.

The USU fans of the family (minus a couple). Even though it was a boring game and we lost, it was still fun!                                          

Morning run in the freezing cold from Vivint to my mom's new favorite breakfast place in Provo, Guru's.

The Conference Center during the Sunday morning session.

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