Sunday, October 6, 2013

From Colorado to North Carolina

September was a a blur for us, we had so much going on and had an amazing month. We went on our first camping trip as a family. It was a spur of the moment after we found out that Todd didn't have to work. Our neighbors invited us to go so we brought the dogs and despite a deflating mattress, had a great time!

Next trip, we headed to Colorado for Ragnar number two! Despite the altitude change, a little rain and another night of getting sick, we loved this race! Less teams meant more space at exchange points, more places to rest and shower and more flushing toilets instead of porta potties. Plus, the views were amazing! I ran 10 miles down Vail Pass for one of my legs and the view was amazing! I could barely walk after the race, but it was so fun!

Finally, at the end of the month we headed to North Carolina for Todd's best friend's wedding. We were able to visit family and attend the wedding. I am now OBSESSED with the east coast even more so than before. We toured UNC and Duke's campuses. All of the trees and lakes are breath taking, and I didn't want to leave! We even tried some delicious southern food (sweet potato tater totes are amazing!).

It was a fun month, but we are ready to settle back into our routine and I am sure our pets are ready for us to be home for a while. Here are some of my favorite pictures from September:

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