Sunday, April 27, 2014

The Hardys are Moving!

After a year of studying for the GMAT, applications, interviews, and serious amounts of stress, we FINALLY know where we are moving- Chapel Hill, North Carolina! Todd will begin UNC's MHA program in the fall. I'm so proud of all of his hard work and for getting into such an amazing program! We have two months until we move, and no, we have not packed a thing!

Obviously we are stressing a little trying to find an apartment, the best way to move our stuff, and going through all of the extra crap we don't need (which apparently is a lot!). But we are both very excited for the change and to live on the east coast. Be prepared for lots of mini vacations all over the east coast!

We have a lot to get done before we leave: two trips to Colorado, Todd's graduation, the Bolder Boulder, Taylor's mission farewell, a car to fix, weddings... the list goes on and on. Not to mention working on the new Hunter Girls DIY Life blog. If you haven't checked it out, you should. Oh and did I mention Todd's car got stolen? So now we are down to one car which makes things pretty difficult. Please don't take offense if we fall off the grid for a little bit, we have a lot to get done!

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