Monday, December 30, 2013

Christmas in Colorado

We LOVE going home to Colorado for the holidays! Unfortunately, I came home super sick and spent the first half of the vacation in bed. Then my mom caught it twice as bad. But lucky for us we were both semi healthy on Christmas Eve and Christmas. One of our favorite traditions is our gingerbread house contest! We are all SUPER competitive and my mom gives out awesome prizes so we all spend hours working on our houses.

My house, recognize it? It's my attempt at building the Baggins residence, I called it Christmas in the Shire.

Taylor built this house and it won first place! 

This is Todd's lighthouse. He started out trying to make a windmill but he couldn't get it to work so it changed to a lighthouse.

Dani's train coming through the mountain was amazing, especially with Spider Man riding on top of the train.

Cam's underwater house was different... But it turned out cooler than expected. 

Every year we open pjs on Christmas Eve. This year we had a Star Wars theme, so everyone had a Star Wars t-shirt and a Star Wars thermos. We also cram into one car and drive around to look at Christmas lights and pretend we are on the Polar Express. We even get tickets that have to be presented and stamped to get on. Even though we are all adults with only one grand child so far, we love being kids on Christmas Eve.

The best part of Christmas was being able to Skype with my sister Sheridan who is in Italy on a church mission. We haven't seen her since May, so it was fun to see her face and hear her voice. She also sent a package of delicious Italian goodies!

We also ate amazing sushi at my favorite place, Junz, went to the movies to see Frozen and Saving Mr. Banks, and stayed up super late getting through season four of our favorite show, 24.  It was an awesome week, we love life in the 303!

One of my favorite gifts- Hunter boots! I have been wanting a pair forever, all of the Hunter girls got a pair, including my baby niece! 



  1. I love this!! Sounds like an amazing week! And Junz is so delicious.

    1. Ps. I love your gingerbread house. Super impressive!

  2. so much fun :) hunter boots. fantastic.
